
Here not to be liked, but to be honest. Proud to be a Yorkshire born and bred Englishman :)

The Shaming Of High Street Shoppers

From today non essential shops in England have had the chance to open their doors for the first time in three months and it’s resulted in huge queues outside retail outlets such as Primark. Social media has been relentless in having a go at consumers for going to these places, but why shouldn’t they?

Primark unlike other shops do not have their own website where people can order off them from home. Lockdown was to flatten the curve and that’s been done. Shops have put in social distancing measures to make sure everyone can shop as safely as possible. We should stay as cautious as we’ve always been, wear a mask, wash our hands and keep social distancing. But we should also feel comfortable enough to go back on to the high street to bring a little bit of normality back to our lives.

Our country is skint and we need consumers to get used to spending on non essential items again. Those who don’t feel comfortable doing so should feel no pressure to continue to stay away. We live in a democracy so that is the choice of an individual. If non essential shops didn’t open again, more people would be out of work as businesses shut their doors for good.

Some people don’t like paying for things on card and others don’t like buying online to avoid possible fraud or simply don’t know how to. If people to help their mental health which must be suffering after so little social contact for months on end want to shop, who are we to have a go at them? Human beings are naturally sociable and need to interact with others. We should all be a little bit kinda to them.

It’s not possible to keep everyone at home until a vaccine becomes widely available. We cannot wait that long. We hope for the best with those being tested like the Oxford one, but they are all being rushed and many people will choose not to have one if it’s not mandatory.

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